Sunday, August 27, 2006

ある最初の旅行 -- A first trip

Thanks to the persistence of a birthday that had yet to be celebrated, I have visited -- at least three times -- the Dogo hotsprings in Matsuyama, to then catch a ferry to Kure and find overnight accommodations -- complete with home-made stir fry and a midnight Chinese movie -- in my friend's spacious abode. My day today, then, has been a revisit to Hiroshima, to part with my friend and return again -- by ferry and train both -- to Takamatsu. On this trip, I have toured one of the renowned 88 Shikoku temples (specifically, #51: Ishite-ji), as well as Hiroshima Castle and much of their respective cities. As I near Takamatsu Station, I feel a glowing comfort by the anticipatory thought of my small, two-room apartment, where I will wake up tomorrow morning to see the familiar mountains over my neighbors' rooftops. It's been less than three days, but I have missed my new little home.


Trying to life

On the shirt of a Hiroshima local riding the tram:


Saturday, August 19, 2006


I have begun this blog with the purpose of sharing my travels and experiences of Japanese living as a foreigner to this place. It will include events and stories of what has happened since my arrival here in Tokyo as a participant of the JET (Japan English Teaching) Programme. Through this program, I am based in one of Japan's most memorable cities and will assistant teach junior high school level English for at least one year. I look forward to sharing my experiences, including some i've already had.
